VEGAN Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass it On S1 E12

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After having accidentally gone vegan in the last Pass It On challenge, the guys try to ACTUALLY cook vegan food this time around. How successful do you think they'll be?

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VEGAN Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass it On S1 E12

After having accidentally gone vegan in the last Pass It On challenge, the guys try to ACTUALLY cook vegan food this time around. How successful do you think they'll be?

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1 Month Vegan Challenge

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  • Rating:
  • Views:67 views
  • Tags: #cooking, best cooking challenge, carrots, cauliflower, cooking challenge, cooking fail, easy vegan food, food challenge, how to cook vegan food, how to make hummus, hummus, humous, humous recipe, pass it on, recipe challenge, recipe fail, recipe relay, recipes relay challenge, roast carrots, roasted veg, romanesco, romanesco cauliflower, small plate dining, small plates, sorted food, Vegan, vegan challenge, vegan diet, vegan food, Vegan recipes, vegetables
  • Categories: Veggie Vegan Recipe


SORTEDfood says:

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starkravinglunatic says:

Instead of a pass it on it may be worth trying something a little different. My suggestion would be that one name is drawn from a hat and the other four guys have to COLLABORATIVELY cook something to specifically cater to the tastes of the “winner”. Each round should be for a different member so nobody gets their name back in the hat.

It would make an interesting series of videos showing how to cook together to appeal to a particular person. Obviously with room for at least one gag dish in there to get a laugh.

iwlude says:

Honey is not vegan

ThatDarkAurora says:

Please just make more of these, love Pass it on!

Sabrina Torgerson says:

For the next pass it on…. Vegetarian curry.
Order: (from the previous pass it on) the number they gave themselves after their turn in reverse. So for example Ben gave himself a 6, Barry a 9 (overconfidently), Jamie a 5, James a 6, and Mike a 7. So in order it would be Jamie, Ben or James (who ever is shorter goes first), Mike and then Barry. Now switch that order.

Sabrina Torgerson says:

I would love to see the full cooking time. So the full 50 minutes of cooking plus the into and outro.

Caleb Havens says:

Pass it on: No chefs.
Normies go twice.
Chefs choose the order.

Dominic Mariani says:

Caleb Havens how about normals pick suprise ingredients for the chefs and normals dont cook

André says:

To be fair, the best dish that came out of this one was all normals

Aliza Ejaz says:

Oh my God YES!!

Evina Rica Mallare says:

Omg they have got to PUHLEAZE

Cassandra says:

This is cruel, please make this happen xD

Jade Zhang says:

Jamie giving himself a 7.85 when he deserved a 4 is the self-confidence I aspire to have

Sunnyqueen says:

@KaiPon Visp Same. I mean, that’s how I aspire to be, but I have a James case, since he’s almost always under-rating himself.

Kelly Laliberte says:

Plus, what did he expect to do with the eggs and cheese in a vegan recipe?

Yosua says:

@Sunnyqueen what episode is that?

Julius Novachrono says:

Looks like you want a masterclass in delusion

Justkidding Not says:

I’d say that’s ignorance but that doesn’t sound as positive as.

ChloeMo says:

I think Ben gets a 10 for even remotely pulling anything together out of that mess! 🙂

ChloeMo says:

@Nell ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ he didn’t use honey, it was date syrup

Jubee Goswami says:

Only disappointment was that he never realized that there wasn’t any chickpeas in the hummus base. Otherwise… A definite 10

Natalie S says:

@MrGlennJohnsenALMOST did I thought he caught himself at the last second and switched to a date syrup instead.

Axiom Steel says:


David H says:

Ben is a damn monster!!!

JDR4450 says:

Pass it on: Jamie
Jamie is the only cook but the other guys cycle through telling him what to do

ittybluejay says:

Jamie gets one round on his own, possibly the last one so he has to pull it all together, and that round is the only round in which he’s allowed to talk so that everyone still has to figure out what’s happening.

JDR4450 says:

@ittybluejay I think the first round to let the whole meal revolve around his idea

April Michel says:

This would be awesome with all normals tbh

Wesley Buck says:

Theme: French Cuisine
Order: Amount of French they speak

Bernhard Rohrer says:

We’ve done they. Rotate by 2 after they’ve put themselves in order.

BlackFiresong says:

LOVE this!

Stettafire says:

It might hurt if none of them know any French.

waywardaughter says:

@Stettafire Let’s be honest Ben is pretentious enough😂

Joshua 2345 says:

So ben first then James, Mike, Jamie, Barry all at once?

XxOngakuxX says:

The dishes: fail. Horrible fail.
The video: amazing absolutely brilliant

Ben Carley-Macauly says:

Suggestion – do a curve ball style, guess what the previous person rated themselves and if your correct you get an extra 2 minutes or minute.

Reo says:

There are 120 possible orders for you guys to go in, that means 108 episodes left!

Lance Lindle Lee says:

What? There’s just 5!

Tik Tok made me do it says:

Lance Lindle Lee you just made my day

Little Red Meg says:

I laughed so hard when Mike grabbed the pepper and Jamie continued by roasting it! Made my day!

HoboBilboBaggin says:

James: *wishes for Ben*
Also James: *pulls out the Anti-Ben, Jamie*
James: *laughs uncontrollably*

Saf Hammed says:

I adore the equivalence here that implies that Ben is Jesus

Alpha says:


April Michel says:

@Saf Hammed it also implies that Jamie is an antichrist. I mean…

Vivian Lam says:

Pass it On: Student Edition! Cheap ingredients (ramen, tinned beans) with dormitory equipment only (kettle, microwave)!

Karin Kurniawan says:

Yeshhh 👌👌

k hoo says:

Wow you only had a kettle and microwave at uni? We had a normal kitchen!

NonsensicalVids says:

@k hoo Was gonna say, was pretty easy for us to cook, full kitchen

Joe Platt says:

Ben deserves more than ten for pulling anything together there! Brilliant work and three good looking plates

PoppyCorn144 says:

Jamie pulling out eggs and cheese in a vegan pass it on after blow torching a pepper – he thinks messing with Barry is an Olympic sport 😄

Kamccomb16 says:

Theme: Seafood
Order: Lowest Phone Battery Life to Highest Phone Battery Life

Gretchen Smith says:

This is a great idea for order!

Tavia Starborn says:

This is brilliant

Pre0ccupied LIVE says:


shell star says:

If anyone’s equal then rock paper scissors

AnneMarie Arava says:

yes plz yes

Amber S says:

Jamie: “What was on fire?”
Ben and Barry: “pears”
I was dying during this whole video

tamtam2000 says:

Pass it on: One Pot Wonder
Pass it on: Summer Cookout
Pass it on: Teatime
Pass it on: No Stovetop/Hobs (good luck, Barry!)

Rebecca says:

the One Pot would be good that way they can’t all just start a new dish.

AnimeCanuck says:

@Rebecca Agreed! Also really love the No Stovetop idea!

Meghan Harper says:

If Berry could manage to somehow turn on the stove when they arn’t using it that would be so funny!

Erica Erixon says:

Ben: I have no time to fix all this
Also Ben: cleans before anything else

Bivens PC says:

Yes! Lol

soulcrusher807 says:

Having worked in kitchens, it makes perfect sense. You always start with a clean work station.

S.A. says:

@soulcrusher807 agree, unorganized workplaces are distracting and in the way when you need the space.
Not to forget unhygienic also.

Cody Choate says:

This is the way

Angela Scott says:

Jamie: Is this supposed to be hummus?
Also Jamie: Im going to make roasted chickpeas

matreames says:

how he managed to screw that one up was amazing

Boa-Noah says:

@matreames He looked at the hummus base, looked at a pot of heating chick peas… and his brilliant move was to drain the chick peas and stick them in the oven completely ignoring what someone else was working on for legitimately 0 reason.

Try95th says:

Also Jamie : eggs are vegan now

rushi pushi says:

I dont understand how they screwed this up, because when they did the vegetarien pass it on, it was completely vegan and it looked delicious🤔😅

Gooseneckbottle says:

@Marius Periwinkle Even still, though, the final dish in the vegetarian one was Mike’s idea which got perfectly communicated down the line. If an actual dish had been in mind from the start, James could’ve progressed it along enough that it would be clear to everyone else what they were going for.

shell star says:

Got too in their head about it

Violet None Of Your Business says:

I’m a vegetarian with vegan family members so I cook vegan food all the time and I was screaming at them during this. There’s so much delicious vegan food. I made flatbreads, falafel, hummus, and a salad the other day all from scratch and all vegan.

Maria says:

@Axiom Steel nah the vegetarian one was like their first great one!

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