5 Delicious Vegan Recipes

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5 Delicious Vegan Recipes

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Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/72278


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1 Month Vegan Challenge

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        • Rating:
        • Views:one view
        • Tags: breakfast, buzzfeed, BuzzFeed Tasty, chickpea burger, easy vegan recipes, food, how to, K_fe, KtKp, meal prep, pancakes, soup, sweet potato, Tasty, tofu, tofu nuggets, Vegan, vegan food, vegan pancakes, vegan ramen, Vegan recipes, veganism, veggies
        • Categories: Veggie Vegan Recipe


        StaR Mochi says:

        I know 99% of you guys won’t see this but for the 1% that does, I hope u have a great day.

        Mihai Florea says:

        You too! Love ya 🙂

        Ramesh Chandra says:

        Thank you 😊 hope you have a great day too

        derpy teddy says:


        Hemisha Ridhi says:

        Awwww thanks 🌹🌹🌹😊😊❤❤

        _Bob McCoy says:

        *_Vegans have joined the chat_*

        a!yssa :D says:


        Honey Bunnies says:

        Hit or mess you got a boyfriend i bet he kiss ya

        Tim Volk says:

        Delicious vegans! Yum!

        J Stickman says:

        Tasty sure knows how to satisfy everyone’s tastebuds! Even vegans!

        zawiyaishere says:

        @sheena m wait what? How? Eating plants and saving the world is being a clown….mkay

        Lanzi says:

        @zawiyaishere nothing can stop a nuke.

        Lanzi says:

        @sheena m theresnt anything wrong with eating vegetable patties.
        Burgers and sausages are often made from a strange mixture of animals but thats normal

        zawiyaishere says:

        @Lanzi the countries can prevent themselves from war. But climate change isnt very preventable

        Lanzi says:

        @zawiyaishere methane is the greenhouse gas of livestock right?

        layla :D says:

        *Non vegans who are pretending to be vegans joined the chat*

        ratakaio says:

        @RED ROSES I’m only here because I like the channel in general 🙂

        Rhoe Chao says:

        Open minded non veg thatove every type of food and not just meat joined the chat

        Wolfsbane says:

        We’re not pretending to be vegans. We are learning how to make vegan recipes. If you want more people to give up meat, maybe don’t be so hostile 🙂 You can be a non-vegan and still eat vegan food, you know.

        Not_Yours 1413 says:

        …i just wanna watch😂

        Oh-oh Stinky says:

        Kacchan’s Titties meat tastes bad, but when you’re ata good restaurant it’s worth trying! I personally don’t like meat

        Flame Fire gd says:

        Im not vegan but that recipes look delicius

        Henry W says:

        *_Vegans have joined the chat_*

        Kim Jong-un says:

        Carnivores have left the chat

        colorbar.s says:

        @Dark Matter lmao what???? Being vegetarian or vegan isn’t harmful to anyone and it’s not unhealthy if you eat the right stuff. If you eat only meat you’re literally getting just one type of product over and over again but if you eat everything but meat there’s still a huge amount of different things you can eat

        colorbar.s says:

        @Dark Matter have you done a second of research though? because vegan or vegetarian diets are a lot more healthy than only eating one thing.

        James Whelan says:

        @colorbar.s you can’t argue with someone who believes there own lies ,you keep being healthy and saving the environment

        Morgan says:

        Dark Matter being vegetarian or vegan isnt harmful… actually vegans and vegetarians generally live longer

        Minzy Park says:

        I thought this said coronavirus

        Henry W says:

        tasty has joined the server
        *_Vegan1 has joined the server_*
        *_Vegan2 has joined the server_*
        *_Vegan3 has joined the server_*

        Jupiter the Bear says:

        *_Vegetarian get themselves vegans_*

        ping pong says:

        *_D – Did I just turn…. VEGAN?!_*

        Sriyukta says:

        Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha

        Native Cooking Ph says:

        Im not a veggan but this is so good🤤

        Veil Diamond says:

        [0:08~0:48] Sweet potato chickpea burger looks tasty~* Wanna try some !!!

        Danielle Phillips says:

        Shoutout to the non vegans watching this

        Lanzi says:

        An excuse is a justification of a fault,
        so the culprit has to be at fault. So the justification of this fault would be fallacious.
        But if the justification is logically sound, and the fault is logically justified, it isn’t really their fault.
        Therefore the justification would not be an excuse.
        Therefore an excuse must not be logical.

        ratakaio says:

        @Lanzi Sorry its hard to guess what you are Referering too after a year or so…

        ratakaio says:

        @Lanzi Get what to pass through?

        Jonas Tilly says:

        I want to thank God for using great Dr Dohgo to cure my HSV 2 with his powerful herbal treatment. , I am here to tell the world that there is a powerful traditional herbal doctor who is well perfect in curing people from different types of diseases, illness and infection, he is a man who can use his herbal medicines to cure people with their different states of problem. Here I am today, I am a living testimony, I had HSV 2 for two years now, and i have tried so many doctors and tried so many types of treatment, i undergo through many sufferings and shames for two years and finally now, Dr Dohgo has put a smile in my face that will last forever, if not for God for directing me to Dr Dohgo I would have been extremely suffering today. all thanks goes to God. I am cured from herpes and I have my test result here with me, I ordered for his medicines September 20th last year and I was cured within 14 days of taking his medicines up till now i have no problem with HSV infection anymore, I now have rest of mind and I am very happy for God using Dr Dohgo to heal me. contact doctor today via Email: doctordohgo@gmail. com or WhatsApp number is +2347062142293
        He also cure

        shruti says:

        @colorbar.s i think he is just joking lmao

        Franki Cimino says:

        Im not even vegan but these look good

        Pavel Uzea says:

        I am just vegetarian but i kinda wanna go vegan

        Ibraheem650 says:

        @Pavel Uzea who’s the transition going?

        Hemisha Ridhi says:


        Edgemade Foxe says:

        @Devlar where do you think meat come from ? lol

        Devlar says:

        @Edgemade Foxe doesn’t pertain to my comment

        Sara says:

        tasty, thank you so much for these videos, i’m vegan and i truly appreciate them and try these recipes often!

        Lou Reddish says:

        That lasagna soup looked delicious 😋

        Sarah Santiago says:

        Bit** Lasagna

        Farhaan Callachund says:

        @Sarah Santiago i knew someone would say that 😂😂

        Sautewithdre says:

        I know right. I’m gonna make it

        Amelia Piner says:

        I know! Since going vegan I missed lasagna but this honestly looks 10x better than my lasagna.

        Hermione Granger says:

        Yay I’ve been eating more vegan food lately!

        m i n a . t u r e says:

        That’s really cool dude! I hope it’s working out for you 🙂 ❤️

        PearRose says:

        so you a vegan or what?

        1013 Janani S XI A says:


        Pangolin says:

        @PearRose why should he become a vegan, he’s perfectly fine…

        E. Reyes says:

        I’m not vegan. I would eat this !

        Vidhya Thanikachalam says:

        Plz try to cook south Indian foods

        Zallie says:

        Did you hear about the Italian Chef that died?

        He Pastaway, we cannoli do so much.

        Lonzie Rose says:

        He just ran out of THYME. I never SAUSAGE a tragedy.
        *finger guns*

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