VEGETARIAN Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass It On S1 E10

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10 minutes each. A vegetarian brief. Access to a bunch of ingredients. What else could they need? Maybe a solid definition on the meaning of vegetarian by the looks of things. Let us know how you think the guys did and rate them down in the comments below!

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VEGETARIAN Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass It On S1 E10

10 minutes each. A vegetarian brief. Access to a bunch of ingredients. What else could they need? Maybe a solid definition on the meaning of vegetarian by the looks of things. Let us know how you think the guys did and rate them down in the comments below!

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1 Month Vegan Challenge

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  • Tags: cashew nuts, cooking challenge, cooking fail, cooking game, curry, how to cook a curry, jasmine rice, lemongrass, recipe relay, sortedfood, thai chilli paste, thai curry, thai curry recipe, thai green curry, thai paste, thai veg curry, tofu, tofu curry, Vegan, Vegan recipes, vegetarian, vegetarian cooking challenge, vegetarian dinner recipes, vegetarian food, vegetarian food recipes, vegetarian meals, vegetarian recipe, vegetarian recipes, vegetarian relay
  • Categories: Veggie Vegan Recipe


Whistling Banshee says:

My new favourite thing is Barry being in awe of Mikes cooking 😁😁!!

Then he blowtorches a pepper and gives himself a 7…. Good job sweetheart…

Alaunt says:

Charlotte Larson in the earlier episodes they actually did leave clues (written in flour, via song, etc)… now they don’t do anything. Maybe there’s now an unwritten rule they never announced saying they couldn’t? 🤔

Sheepdog Smokey says:

@SORTEDfood He’s trying!

James Aditya says:

@Jack Wiggins Normally, as in all the time?

Exayevie says:

If we imagine that his scale only goes from 5 to 10, that translates to, what, a 4? I say we enact it as law! Lol

JM says:

Whistling Banshee Also, props to Mike! He seemed really focused and goal oriented. Also, I felt it was really cool to hear that Mike wanted to add lemongrass and Ben did so when it was his turn. He’s thinking like a chef!

Izzy says:

Jamie is sometimes a liability because he likes going off track.
HOWEVER IN *THIS VIDEO* , he’s a liability just because…he’s _Jamie_ and it’s a _vegetarian_ challenge.

Sarah LW says:

Jamie might be a liability when ot comes to a vegetarian dish, but it was also a curry. Jamie is the spice man. I think it evened out.

commatoes says:

@Sesugawa Aruno As garnish!

Andrew Stephens says:

You could say that it was a misSTEAK….

freddiesen says:

Sarah Lady Weaver Jamie is the spice man as in everytime there’s a challenge and Jamie adds spice, Ben says it’s too hot.

김지웅 says:

I mean Certainly Jamie is the Only person to hold a Tofu and call it a cheese.

VoidHAM says:

Give them 5 minutes to discuss the order they wanna go. Then when they are done choosing. Reverse the order

Sarah Verster says:

@VoidHAM ahhhh! Clearly I wasn’t binging the episodes in the right order 😛 Awesome idea 😀

Ghostbeef says:

I just watched the episode where they used this idea. It was hilarious

Fire Flieer says:

@Ghostbeef it was! So evil but genius

Ida Hanson says:

@Ghostbeef which one was it? 🙂

Ghostbeef says:

@Ida Hanson Food Waste Recipe Relay Challenge

lushpapaya says:

A bit rich to consider Jamie a liability cloud egg boy…

Rowanna Pendleton says:

I love that it’s cloud egg boy not cloud egg man

Anna P. says:

random rock I think they meant to write “consider Jamie a liability, cloud egg boy…” which is why the original was slightly confusing on sentence flow

Anna B says:

@random rock Yes – it was Barry.

Stuff says:

This is a perfect comment

Deen eus says:

Yep hahaha he says that while literally blowtorching a pepper

Rickard says:

5:37 Don’t worry Jamie, nothing will ever be worse than Mike eating the frying batter for the cauliflower.

Thomas Zinser says:

@josh green Mike eating batter comes from the Hero Ingredients pass it on challenge.
Barry’s cloud eggs came from the food trends one.

Nabiel Wardhana says:

@josh green the “Hero Ingredient” episode

uwu *nuzzles* says:


Martynqa1992 says:

@Dyanne Abobo and thinking it was a sauce xD

AussieAnnie62 says:

Janice – “Mike, it’s BATTER’
Mike – ‘I don’t know what it is’
Janice- ‘Clearly’

zZSkyNinjaZz says:

Can I just say

I love how Barry always trash talks Jamie but then ends up doing worse than Jamie!

Arlo Hoogeveen says:

Jamie and Mike were really good on this one. Ebbers and James solid as ever, not surprising. And then there’s a charred pepper 🤷‍♂️

Caleb Havens says:

Normies go twice, no chefs. Chefs pick next cook.

ShannyBanannyBean says:

“Barry communicates through nice bowls” I’m picturing Barry leaving his wife sweet messages in the morning through a series of increasingly complex bowl combinations 😅

KatieS says:

ShannyBanannyBean omg 😂😂😂 btw I love your profile picture

Alicia Graham says:


Sabrina Torgerson says:

That would be highly amusing

Tatjana says:

This made me laugh!

living life on oof mode says:

@KatieS seconded lol i love Jensen

Ship Sends says:

mike: I have the opportunity to pick a chef!

also mike: …but what if I picked barry for giggles?

TrustMeImaPhysicist says:

That’s why he is a slytherin…

George Harding says:

I think Jamie is horrifically underestimated, more often than not I vote for him in battles. He is a 2* Michelin chef after all

Aiman Gotze says:

George Harding jokes aside, Jamie is actually not that bad in these videos but Barry on the other hand….

George Harding says:

@Aiman Gotze That’s what I’m saying. At least he doesn’t make god damm cloud eggs.

Nabiel Wardhana says:

@Aiman Gotze Baz is a mess and a half.

utplagal says:

Theme: Pretentious Ingredients (you know it’s what the fans want)
Order: Least pretentious to most pretentious, based on a fan poll.

Fallstar says:

And useless gadgets.

Tanawin Dinn says:

utplagal your wish came true 9 months later

lolrandom says:

So basically mike, Jamie, Ben, James, and mr. pretentious Barry taylor!

ramonestefano says:

@lolrandom Ben, Mike or Jamie, James, everyone else in the planet, Barry

Tarunima SinghSanawar says:

Barry : blowtorches a pepper.
Barry : gives himself a 7/10.

Fire Bomb says:

@Sal S better than blowtorching a pepper can calling it good. Just feels like Barry doesn’t like Jamie at all

Lukasz says:

@Fire Bomb Right, being friends for years counts as not liking someone at all. I forgot.

Nick The AntiClause says:

@Lukasz Ha! I don’t know though, one of my best friends has almost gone full circle and become like a brother, and like an actual brother, I sometimes want to bash them in the back of the head with a jawbone, then bury them in the yard. But they’ll probably always be in my life, cause they’re life family to me. More so then actual family.

Don B says:

@Fire Bomb none of them like pass it on jamie

VixenVicky says:

What I don’t understand is why James thinks he will screw it up all the time it’s not like he’s worse than Barry they are both on par with each other, for example this charred pepper and the cloud eggs also cookies for the dessert?

Thomas Edwards says:

They say no one pick Jamie but overall I would say Barry is usually the worse at these.

K J says:

Barry is just a chaotic, creative little egg. He has some great ideas but isn’t great at puzzling out what the other guys are trying to do.

K J says:

He’s still my absolute fav to watch though, I’ve been brought to tears laughing during these battles thanks to Baz.

Shelsight says:

Psychotic Nature I agree re these but disagree re the battles. Barry can put some great stuff together on those – the roast dinner stuffed potatoes, the lobster roll, the chicken challenge. When he gets creativity & technique working together he’s great!

August Denys says:

But Jaime has the background music.

ok boomer says:

Jamie’s so underrated. He’s actually better than Barry

Marian Vela says:

It is wonderful watching Ben working, he’s so efficient and gives a reason for everything he does.

I miss the old recipes he used to do explaining everything and just the boys helping, it’s like the teacher and his students.

IamNotVanessa says:

Omg exactly haha

AussieAnnie62 says:

wow that’s a while ago

Cameron Peter says:

Janice: “Mike will be going first, he’s so sexy”

This had me🤣

Jm6802 says:

Cameron Peter she’s not wrong tho…

Alchemic Reduction says:

I think Mike deserves credit for starting it off spectacularly, good job Mike

Kayleigh Lehrman says:

When Barry comes in and says “oooh, that’s quite chefy!”

derkregin says:

Unfortunately all of his work was un-done by Jamie over-doing the coconut milk

Idris Badani says:

I feel like Mike is always slept on

Kim says:

ben never fails to impress with his “chop and speak into the camera”

uwu *nuzzles* says:

Is everyone just gonna ignore:

“Fry my pretties, fry” from Jamie? I thought it was hilarious 😂

Piratejackyar says:

I am so happy that they had a vegetarian challenge and didn’t rely on eggs and cheese. They made it vegan friendly and that is really commendable.

Milhouse Vanhoutan says:

Then they do vegan and screw it up 😂

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