The secret recipe for plant-based vegan burgers | Chef David Lee, Planta

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The recipe and ingredients that Planta chef David Lee uses to make his Planta plant-based burger. Chef David Lee talks to White Coat, Black Art’s Dr. Brian Goldman about what goes into one of his restaurant’s top seller and what spurred Lee on to plant-based eating.

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The secret recipe for plant-based vegan burgers | Chef David Lee, Planta

The recipe and ingredients that Planta chef David Lee uses to make his Planta plant-based burger. Chef David Lee talks to White Coat, Black Art’s Dr. Brian Goldman about what goes into one of his restaurant’s top seller and what spurred Lee on to plant-based eating.

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1 Month Vegan Challenge

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  • Views:30 views
  • Tags: Black Art’s, brian goldman, brian goldman cbc, cheeseburger, chef, chef david lee, chef david lee nyc, david lee, planta, planta yorkville, recipe, Vegan, vegan burger, vegan burger recipe that tastes like meat, vegan burger recipe with mushrooms, vegan burger recipes, White Coat
  • Categories: Veggie Vegan Recipe


Jose Fuentes says:

I got off my heartburn medication with a vegan diet.

Aryama Chatterjee says:

@Hong Fei Bai just cut off milks and milk products..they are the worse.



TheVersatileVegetarian says:

That is amazing 👏

TheVersatileVegetarian says:

@Kirti Gupta Indian vegan food looks soooo amazing I deffo need to taste it!

just a normal default pfp says:

@tony day i have reflux but I’m sticking with meat

Unexpected Farm says:

My husband (almost 73 years old) and I (69 years old) have been vegans since 1975. We’re always looking for exciting new recipes. Thanks for this one!

Pascale El Khoury - Kanbour says:

I’ve been vegan for 3 months now and I still have long way to go but thank you for the inspiration . God bless you 🙏

TobiCozy says:


Pascale El Khoury - Kanbour says:

@TobiCozy why what?

read this says:

@Sergio P. it’s funny how in the same comment you show that you understand that vegans go vegan because they don’t want animals to suffer yet fail to understand why someone who goes vegan would want to eat a veganized version of non vegan food they used to eat.

You simply said it yet you fail to understand.

Yes it is because they go vegan for ethics, not because they hate the taste of non vegan food, so where is the problem with them wanting to eat recipes they used to eat that contained meat but now veganized?

How does that make no sense?

It’s like someone going on some strict diet yet trying to recreate some foods they can’t have within that diet.

It’s not that complex.

read this says:

@axelfoley20 it sounds like you were molested by a vegan.

aerosolista says:

This is my guess on the measurements (based on eyesight). Haven’t tested yet.

1 cup – Black Beans
1 cup – Chickpeas
1 cup – Lentils
1 cup – Mushrooms (cooked) / can be substituted for brown rice/barley or quinoa.
1/2 cup – Rolled Oats
1/4 cup – Beets (Shredded) / can be substituted for Ketchup or BBQ sauce.
1/4 cup – Nutritional Yeast
1 tsp – Tapioca Starch
/ can be substituted for arrowroot/cornstarch or flour.
1/4 tsp – Salt
1/4 tsp – Pepper
1/8 tsp – Chili Powder
1 tsp – Parsley
1 tsp – Rosemary
*Optional add 1/2 cup of quinoa for binding purposes.

Mash all ingredients together and form patties
Grill the burgers for 2-3 minutes each side
Bake for 20 minutes at 350 F (flipping halfway through)

Chick Pea Mayo
Cheese sauce

Margaret McDonnell says:

@Alexander McGyver talking about how you’re good if vegans don’t push their agenda on you… Bro, you’re the guy who watched a clearly labelled video about a vegan burger recipe and then commented about why people should stick to meat cos beans are bad for you. I mean seriously dude?! Who’s pushing their agenda now?

Alexander McGyver says:

@Margaret McDonnell
Just claiming that something might be bad for your health (and nothing else) doesn’t necessarily equal pushing an agenda on someone. Claiming something is bad for your health while also shaming and labeling the person as bad or immoral for eating what they eat (and wanting to prevent them from eating it), on the other hand, is pushing an agenda on someone.
Although I don’t think beans are a healthy food, I don’t in any way want to restrict anyone from eating them, nor labeling those who are eating them.
At least, I have never seen any meat-eaters forcing anyone to eat meat.

Cammi Eklund says:

I have made similar veggie burgers with these ingredients before and they are ALL dry, very compact and literally tastes like what’s in there; legumes and grains…Nothing like regular burgers at all, so I’m really not buying that these taste like burgers. What’s in that cheese sauce is the question though bcs I think that it’s probably that plus the mayo that makes it more moist and tasting more like a regular burger. These are good as a veggie burger but don’t try to impress a meat eater that are going to try a vegan burger for a first time with this. It’s a high probability they would never eat it again.😄 If you want to impress a meat eater, buy the fake burgers instead. Then slowly introduce them to these kind of burgers, which are ofc healthier. 😄

Mrs. Pashanae D-V says:

I scrolled through the comments just for this comment👍🏾

Layses Silva says:

Thank you so very much!!!!

Raymond Cox says:

It’s the condiments that largely make a burger. I would be much more interested in how to make the cheese sauce

Rell Mitchell says:

Peaceful Breathing where is that recipe

Esoterika says:

Plant-based chef, Lauren Toyota, has a good recipe. I’ve made it more than once.

Juggling Finance says:

@litestreamer that’s sounds so good

Life with Serenity, All things good says:

Completely agree! When cooking vegan the way you dress it up, and the sauces take it to another level

D aucoin says:

Plant based chef Laura toyota

Oracle says:

This emergency room doctor just proves doctors are not nutritionist, they’re simply human mechanics. I would suspect the chef knows more about nutrition than the doctor.

amindra wanigasekera says:

He, I mean the doctor is only an elitist mechanic. Eating herbivorous harmless animals is not becoming of a philosophical doctor.

Flora Braxton says:

You’re right.

M Seeker says:

@chaosenergy1990 1 some 2 days at the most…

Marion Johnson says:

The previous president for the American College of Cardiology is “Vegan” (Whole Food Plant Based). He has been quoted saying “There are two kinds of cardiologists: vegans and those who haven’t read the data.” 🙂

Marion Johnson says:

@Toni As I said, read the facts. Don’t trust any “religion” being it vegan or keto.

Dejan Triv says:

Best decision in my life to stop eating meat.

SCP Kids TV! says:

@J. Goebbels from cows? yes. from my mother? of course not

J. Goebbels says:

@SCP Kids TV! I am a man. I do not breastfeed from animals.

Anna Svidler says:

@J. Goebbels toxic? LOL

J. Goebbels says:

@Anna Svidler Because I don’t breastfeed from animals?

Ruze Music says:

@SCP Kids TV! Always wondered what Vegans would do if they found out plants have feelings.

B A says:

As a chef myself I definitely believe in thinking outside the box and providing delicious food to all types of lifestyles. Vegans and non vegans. I’m not a vegan myself, I love meat and I love vegetables. But I’m definitely going to create more vegan options on my menus.

JMK says:

Good for you. It’s all about choice, and until recently, vegans had no choice when eating out, so having a few vegan options on your menu will bring more clients in and also when carnivores try good vegan food they are always surprised at how good it tastes.

Restaurants cater for vegetarians but with a tiny bit of extra thought, all vegetarian food can be made vegan and vegan food can be eaten by everyone including people with gluten allergies if the right flour is used.

B A says:

@JMK thx you. My plant based burger is all from my garden, no processed vegan products at all. I will be presenting this at my super bowl party

Life with Serenity, All things good says:

Bobos Curse says:

I love meat. Today I started my journey towards plant-based food. We watched “Game Changers” last night.

Ayana Sioux Art says:

I hope a year later you (not only survived corona) found joy in this diet. The biggest mistake most vegans make is not eating enough calories. Hopefully all went well. I’ve been vegan for over 6 years and I enjoy it very much. I used to love meat too! 💜

Kenw KLS says:

Lol!! I’m watching game changers now that’s why I’m on this vid 🤣😂

MoonII says:

Good for you! Just know that you may have moments when you slip. Don’t let that discourage you. Just keep going. It can take time to get it. Keep looking for recipes! There are lots on YouTube that are amazing. It’s good to eat as much whole foods than anything else ☺️

Judi Bryan says:

I made that decision 6 years ago…best decision ever (and I was a meataholic!)

Compassionate Living says:

@Bobos Curse could we get an update if possible?! Thanks 🙂

Hrafenkell O’Donoghue says:

people who think that meat tastes good don’t realize that seasoning makes the dish more than the food choice does

YourMajesty143 says:

@Coolerthan Afrieza – You said that you hate it when people waste an animal corpse, that people should eat the whole thing bc an animal gave its life. A few issues with your comment: First, an animal never willingly “gives” up its life. That’s counter-intuitive to their extinct. Second, a dead corpse isn’t wasteful – taking its life away against its will is the real waste. I doubt you stop the car everytime you see roadkill and say “Let’s pick it up while it’s still fresh & cook it at home, so we can eat it for dinner!”. And I doubt you look at your grandmother and think “She’s on her death bed, but my cat is a carnivore and it’d be such a waste not to feed Grandma to Mr. Fluffy once she croaks”. Your “waste” argument is clearly circumstantial and biased only for meat you buy in the grocery, it’s a weak argument. Personally, I wouldn’t use it to make my case.

Coolerthan Afrieza says:

@YourMajesty143 i never said it did and whowould want to be killed and eaten? animals do the same thing but the only difference is with animals its 50/50 chance but when we kill its more like 100/0 since they cant escape

just a normal default pfp says:

no I like unseasoned meat to

YourMajesty143 says:

@Coolerthan Afrieza – Scroll up. You literally said “you should be thankful bc an animal *gave* its life to be eaten.” You’re contradicting yourself bc you claim “who would want to be killed and eaten?”. Exactly! No one, not even animals. So to that I ask “How do you breed and kill an animal against its will that didn’t want to be killed?” Cats & dogs get killed in the wild, does this justify killing & eating them? If humans are also prey in the wild to sharks and crocs, would this justify turning human flesh into food? You want to use Appeal to Nature, yet you make exceptions. If you can make exceptions for your pets, but not other animals, then your arguments lack moral consistency. And since humans are animals as well, but we make exceptions due to our own inherent bias, then how can we morally discern whether it’s right or wrong to intentionally breed animals to kill them? Do you know of any other predator species that breeds its prey?

YourMajesty143 says:

@just a normal default pfp – Be honest, how many times this week have you intentionally cooked unseasoned meat?

bālal 2021 says:

Doctor looks like he need a doctor

DAL Eight says:

They often do look sick and pale!

The Water Warrior says:


Renatus says:

He need sum milk

Teya says:


cortsanz says:

He needs to eat sum frijoles 😝

Jae Clarke says:

* literally watches the entire process*

M O says:


j sao says:

He didn’t know its for patty? Cmmon

QB42477 says:


skurvoala says:


Isaac Serrano says:

Didnt share the vegan cheese recipe though

Duane Moore says:

“You wanna make a pattie” then he takes his hands out of his pockets and makes a pattie 🤦🏽‍♂️

Mikey Calves says:

This “doctor” seemed sketchy from the very beginning from how he approached the chef so closely and with all the weird questions, and as soon he pulled his hands out of his pockets to help make a patty..🤮

Michael Garzon says:

That’s the advantage of vegan

Kristy Truther says:

@Michael Garzon eww, no it has nothing to do with being vegan and everything to do with being sanitary.

Ivan Tamayo says:

He did not washed his hands. Dr. Whatever.

Amanda Branch says:

I saw the same thing. I was like ewwww!! 😆😆😆😆

nappyslayer says:

This “Dr” asked the stupidest questions.

V.C. Groves says:

Dr’s are just like other people… Smart in one area, learning in others.

Dan says:

Most doctors, specially the old ones, hardly recommend a vegan diet to their pacients because they don’t update their knowledge and barely study about the effects of the food in everyone’s health. They just focus on drugs that only deal with the symptoms, never with the cause of the ill itself.

Claire Baker says:

He was so annoying and needs sunshine

Kenneth Maese says:

@slade good hahahahaha best response ever!

Linda Waniandy says:

That is very mean, what do you think,God would say?

d p says:

‘Would you like to make one?’
*take hands out of pockets and plunges hands into the mixing bowl* 🤢

Username says:

Y’all are weak af 😂😂🤣

June Hutcheon says:

I thought the same hands in pockets then mixing food, what happened to wash you hands first

June Hutcheon says:

@Debra idehen so you don’t wash your hands because you cook for yourself ??? Yuk

Debra idehen says:

@June Hutcheon relax 🙄

just a normal default pfp says:

@June Hutcheon yea since the bacteria dies

ShinySmack says:

“You are the first person we’ve shown our secret burger.” Judging by the views on this video, I’m the 1,008,410th.

Sunshine Royal says:


Saiconautas says:

I wacthed this twice so maybe u r the 10084409;’D

Gabbie A. says:

I wouldn’t mind hearing that chef talk all day, soothing voice and love his accent! I also want to eat that burger right now!!

sparkle lee says:

I was thinking the same!!! I was wondering what the accent was!

Lisa Paris says:

I made this recipe tonight and eating right now…oh holy day, delicious. I added some liquid smoke and some extra seasonings. Didn’t have beets or chickpeas. Didn’t matter, still excellent.

This recipe is going in my “I only make it if I love it” notebook. Highly recommend.

Canada321 Salg says:

Doctors really don’t know but to give meds. They tell you the condition and they have zero clues on what we should eat to ease the problem. That is why there are so many people relying on meds.

777z says:

they take 6 hours total of nutrition out of thousands of hours of useless BS to keep the people sick

Little Bunny Britches Nursery Tracy Torres says:

I tried making these burgers and estimated the amount by looking at what the chef put in it and it was the most delicious and satisfying veggie burger I have ever eaten. I haven’t eaten any other recipe since I found this video. Thank you for sharing your video I am so grateful to you because all the other veggie burgers I tried just didn’t do it for me and this one has them all beat

Me You says:

Chef David Lee was so patient and professional. The interviewer was annoying.

pynaetlb or else says:

Yeah, the “doctor” seemed creepy to me.

Sam Ahf says:

Really? I don’t think so, he was really trying to be nice & exciting. The only person who is annoying is you.

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