That Vegan Teacher – why’s it blowing up?!

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ve probably heard of That Vegan Teacher. But who is she? And why does she keep going viral on TikTok?

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Produced by Gareth Roy

That Vegan Teacher - why's it blowing up?!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ve probably heard of That Vegan Teacher. But who is she? And why does she keep going viral on TikTok?

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Produced by Gareth Roy
1 Month Vegan Challenge

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  • Tags: #burger, Brand Russell, BrandThe, controversy, donut, god, Gordon Ramsay, gordon ramsay burger, Gordon Ramsay vegan, jesus, Kadie Karen Diekmeyer, Russell Brand, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, Russell Brand revolution, Russell Brand video, teacher, that, that vegan teacher, tiktok, trending, troll, Vegan, vegan burger, viral
  • Categories: Veggie Vegan Recipe


Nikki Simmons says:

Watching these videos has had a massive improvement on my mental health over the last month. Just knowing there’s other people out there who can think for themselves gives me hope.

Heretic Vegan Scum says:

@Flying Carpet A lot of big words to tell me how you feel about me but not much in the way of reason or counterargument , as usual.

It is well documented that a properly planned vegan diet is healthful and nutritionally adequate for humans at all stages of life.
I’m not in the slightest bit Interested in arguing with you about which diets are healthier.
You claim that a vegan diet gave you mental health problems , so you either did it wrong or you are mistaken. To draw any other conclusion wouldn’t be reasonable based on the evidence .
I’ve noticed that self diagnosed deficient vegans all have one thing in common : A strong bias against Veganism .
For anyone who can’t figure out how to feed themselves , I recommend they consult a nutritionist.
And for those who are really brainwashed , eat some bivalves for your mythical animal nutrients . Bivalves aren’t conscious , so not an ethical problem .

Flying Carpet says:

@Heretic Vegan Scum
”To draw any other conclusion wouldn’t be reasonable based on the evidence”

You’re not evidenced based, just hysterically based in just about every comment, displaying emotional dysfunction in epic amounts.
”I’ve noticed that self diagnosed deficient vegans all have one thing in common : A strong bias against Veganism” You clearly haven’t been paying attention !
Vegan parents were prosecuted for malnourishment of their own children. Others have been dying in front of our eyes, and what does the community do? Instead of support start throwing slander and false accusations around at each other.
There are many delusional vegans who are so lost in severe brain fog slowly killing themselves. The movement is doing great disservice, to the welfare of animals it claims to care about, well apart from the millions they don’t care about, and to itself because it has become lost in cult like behaviour and attitudes, those need to go before evolution can occur, but like all cult behaviours such attitude is virtually impossible to break free from the brainwashing and conditioning is so strong.

”For anyone who can’t figure out how to feed themselves , I recommend they consult a nutritionist.” I’ve listened, read and studied, there are many herbalists, naturopaths, specialist nutritionists and doctors in the world. You are not one of them, you don’t even garner any respect, just accrue contempt for yourself. Only someone as astronomically deluded as you would be so arrogant to claim that people can’t attain an educated worldview, you clearly don’t have the intellectual capacity to reason even a shallow debate such as this without your overly emotive and hyperbolic insanity.

Increasing numbers of testimonies and the blindingly obvious mounting evidence in humanities most recent of dietary experiments is growing, veganism is new to this world in the past 150 years and is snowballing out of control because the human body has not yet adapted to it. There have been numerous cults of the various branches of veganism, it needs to come clean and stop using dirty tactics if it is to be taken seriously and advance to a better world, at the moment there are so many toxic agendas, hidden vested interests at work on both sides of this that it’s turning in to just more mud slinging.
I’d rather debate with reason and consideration but when someone displays such blatant toxic attitude as you do then kid gloves come off.

There are multiple channels dedicated to exploring human diet and nutrition, they are fact based and are interested in developing much deeper understanding and relationship to truth, not so with many members of the vegan community, so many displaying all signs of cult traits.
Cult followers always believe their own hype and propaganda and think the rest of the world is ‘brainwashed’.
Witnessing you fly in to all out attack on any and everyone who disagrees with you in the slightest is pitiful and pathetic.

”And for those who are really brainwashed” You just don’t see it, typical in your narcissistic traits, the entire world and history is wrong in your toxic worldview. Humanity would never have survived without it’s dependency on hunting and fishing, it’s written in to the oldest stories.

You even obnoxiously tried to reinterpret Biblical passages to one person. *Who’s offering was acceptable to God? Able’s not Cain’s. God specifically asked for animal offerings and sacrifice multiple times* It’s for individuals to discern the interpretations of this, to listen to the many theologians and make their own mind up, not to listen to a self aggrandizing individual with an ego the size of the Manhattan skyline like you.

”eat some bivalves for your mythical animal nutrients” Go watch the episode of survivor island and see how poorly the vegan fair if you think such nutrients are mythical, *humans brains evolved to such large capacity through eating highly dense organ meats of animals, that fact alone destroys your very ability to resource your arguments, we would not even have this technology to communicate without such huge brain*

Flying Carpet says:

@Heretic Vegan Scum The brainwashing you refer to has been a one way street, it has some very sinister agendas behind it:

Heretic Vegan Scum says:

@Flying Carpet I can see you’re wrapped up nice and tight in those delusions. Good luck to you . Bye bye now

Flying Carpet says:

​@Heretic Vegan Scum The delusion is all yours,m you’ll need more than luck

Telenova says:

You’re so refreshing! There’s a serious lack of level headedness in the world, and you are just spot on.

Socratic Thinker says:

Yeah our ancestors ate animals because they needed them to survive, we don’t anymore thanks to mass production of plant based foods and technology.
Our ancestors also killed each other to survive, would it be ok to start doing that just because they did? If we can now live without killing these animals and causing suffering in them why wouldn’t we?

Russell Brand says:

Hey thanks. Nothing will get solved by being judgemental.

Hot For Vegan says:

@Russell Brand How about: judgmental of actions, not of people, who are dynamic and ever-changing? I don’t think That Vegan Teacher actually gave a mean label to anyone. They’re feeling judged because she made a judgment about the ethical decisions of eating meat. She outright says: “This is wrong.” Some people can’t handle that, it seems. But, it’s good for them to wrestle with their conscience with the bluntness, isn’t it?

Maybe I missed something, but I didn’t see her calling anyone any bad names or negative labels. I see her as sweet and loving (and being goofy funny). She has learned to not take herself too seriously…as you are a fellow comedian who is an expert in this, I’m sure you can appreciate that! 🙂 Perfect can be the enemy of good! She’s getting a message of fairness out there. I love that. People want to take a pot shot because of the name Karen, and she’s unapologetically giving a short Vegan message on Tiktok, and they think it will make them popular? Pft. /shrugs That Namism is still karma, man.

I do believe that being Vegan is the minimum baseline for ethical living. PS–I loved the video of you in Charisma on Command.

Brian Grussing says:

I love anyone who is authentic/genuine, especially the outliers. We all must exercise our personal funk muscles more…no, MUCH more!..

Andrew Hodgeson says:

“…our personal funk muscles.” That’s good. Can I steal that? Lol

Markus Maximus says:

Who controls the algorithm

Christine Chin says:

Sorry, i thought for a moment there you said f*ck muscles.

Henry Herbert says:

I feel strangely proud not to have heard of her until watching your video. I am officially “living under a rock”

D E says:

Did o kind of glad I am who I am

Kasun Lee says:

Me too lol

Joshua Moolman says:

Consider yourself lucky

Caroline Donnelly says:

@R W 🤣Agreed!

Mags k says:

@Lostand Found I totally agree .my daughter is a vegan and I like a lot of the meat substitutes .I used quorn mince for bolognese and my husband and son didnt even notice .and that’s saying something 👍

Bethany Kay says:

It’s almost so extreme that you can’t tell if she’s joking or not. I know the sarcastic videos I posted about Mormonism take people a minute to figure out if I’m joking because the whole thing is truly absurd.

drawitoutlady says:

I really don’t think it’s extreme. I’m not a vegan, but I should be. Thanks to her I will probably put more effort into getting there. What is so extreme about what she’s saying? Only on the scale of NORMS is it extreme, and I think any critical thinker can agree that we have a lot of fucked up norms that need to change. If you look at the situation from her perspective, having been brave enough to witness the extensive animal suffering that happens at the hands of humans, then her position is actually relatively mild. If humans were experiencing the same suffering that the animals she defends were, then we would not call her behaviour extreme.

It’s sad that people bully her for standing up for innocent victims of violence. She deserves to be commended for her efforts, even if they make us feel guilty or uncomfortable. I wish I had the resilience she has.

Kermit le Frohg says:

@mikechrishill she isn’t promoting veganism, she’s harassing people to become vegan

Flying Carpet says:

​@T Jay Ask the scummy vegan heretic if he can debate / deny this, (type in video title in search bar = Veganism Almost Killed Me – Organ Failure, Kidney Stones & why Leafy Greens Are NOT a Health food

T Jay says:

@Flying Carpet No point. Militant veganism is just a way for low status humans to have something to use to finally feel some dominance over other humans. None really care.

OneMeanArtist says:

Being that it’s 2021, imo she just comes off as another narcissistic looney- toon Karen in a sea of internet wanna-be celebrities.

Phil Zah says:

This, now I can rest

Jennifer Andrews says:

Yeah, exactly this.
The veganism part is irrelevant. It’s all about the attention.

Karl Hudson says:

Couldn’t care less about her, where can I get a hoodie like yours Russell? 😂😂😂

Robert Jakob says:

@Karl Hudson also was just echoing your provocation so no offence

Dabeez Kneez says:

@Robert Jakob yes I hear you,and see where you are coming from, but what I’m saying is kinda hard to explain in a quick text. It alludes to letting one’s ‘actions’ speak , with no verbal accompaniment. It is the embodiment of one’s values. We are holistic beings, but often there appears a dissonance in our different facets of being. We are what we say, what we do, what we eat, how we are. It is why beings like Ramana Maharishi just sat in silence and people came to sit with him, he was BOTH the message AND the messenger. It’s also what the vegan person’s message is at it’s core, ie You ARE what you eat, irrespective of whether it’s for health or ethics, the implication is the same. In this poor women’s case , there appears to be sufficient agreement that her approach does not support the message. That’s what my analogy is, an alien ‘choking’ you while proclaiming ‘peace’ is contradictory. I don’t know if I can convey what I mean. 🙏🏾

Robert Jakob says:

@Dabeez Kneez yea I get what you mean, good example with yogi. An enlightend one doesn’t feel need to react. I didn’t see many of her videos but from the few I think she’s clearly being fun about it as she’s singing and smiling so if her lyrics are direct but conveying in an artistic or playful way I don’t see why people are offended. Prolly cuz she’s right and knows she’s right and does whatever she wants haha. I will read more about Ramana maharishi I only know Swami Vivekananda and few thank you!

Caroline Donnelly says:

@Dabeez Kneez “You are what you eat” so if you eat death and suffering will you become death and suffering?

Caroline Donnelly says:

@Dabeez Kneez I agree, her delivery is not helping the message. Veganism is not for Health though (not saying you can’t be healthy on a vegan diet though), it is about standing up for those (animals) that have no voice and being against their exploitation with your actions and words,. Social change was only achieved throughout history when enough people spoke out against said injustice.
Thích Nhất Hạnh, Buddhist monk, and spiritual teacher, often incorporates silence for reflection, however, he then delivers powerful messages to the people of peace and benevolence which is extended to the animal kingdom with immense compassion and love. I like his way better 🙂

mag steel says:

When you put yourself in the internet you open yourself to the comments of billions of people. That some of them will be hostile trolls should be both expected and ignored but instead we give them some outsized importance. They are no more important than some mental case in the corner yelling insanely.

Karen and Jeffrey Pearl says:

It’s Jeffrey, Karen and I are Vegan. I started for health reasons and my health improved greatly. The interesting thing is my spirituality increased. We don’t judge either, just helping people live their best lives. Wishing You Great Health Abundant Happiness And Outrageous Love ❤️

J Huntoon says:

A quick click on “MEET YOUR MEAT” would explain a lot that’s kept well hidden from the public.
Knowledge is good, being informed is common sense,….. then decide your choices

bermudarailway says:

Reminds me of that Monty Python sketch.”Spot the looney.”

Heretic Vegan Scum says:

Name calling ? How do you justify that ?

bermudarailway says:

@Heretic Vegan Scum Because she’s a looney.

DR says:

Condemning McDonald’s in any form is a good thing no matter your choice of food or clothes or tea pots

Daniel Factor says:

I’ve just had one

fridgemagnet says:

I once referred to cheese as “bovine tit lard” at a dinner party.

Stuart Brown says:

Was it served with bee’s vomit and hen periods?

voracious viewer says:

enigmatic word choice alone doesn’t a good guest make. Hopefully your comedic delivery compensates for the gracious invitation.

Joshua Moolman says:

You British aren’t you?

fridgemagnet says:

@Joshua Moolman was it the bowler hat that gave it away?

Joshua Moolman says:

@fridgemagnet: Nope. The language. Can’t picture a non-Brit using “lard” and “bovine”

Shellbee says:

I think you’re missing the part about her harassing children online, and her view that coming out is selfish. She’s problematic beyond just some silly songs – it’s her judgment and approach. She says outlandish things…I’m not sure how defendable she is.

Heretic Vegan Scum says:

Two more people who insist the evidence exists yet can’t provide it .

Dinky Russell says:

@Heretic Vegan Scum
Here is a video explaining how she is not just forcing her viewpoint but harassing underaged kids and saying that if your LGBT or a POC you can’t complain about oppression if you aren’t vegan

Heretic Vegan Scum says:

@Dinky Russell Time stamp ?

Dinky Russell says:

@Heretic Vegan Scum
The entire video is explaining the problem with that vegan teacher. I just name a couple examples but this video offers a more in depth analysis. You don’t have to watch it, but you asked for a source so Im giving you where I formed this opinion from

Heretic Vegan Scum says:

@Dinky Russell So it’s hear say ?

Herman Cuartas says:

I am not a fundamentalist about my healthy way of eating, I simply love animals and so I don’t eat them. As simple as that

dave8323 says:

I would think of myself in the same way. But the problem is that a lot of people would think that was arrogant, sanctimonious and maybe even attention seeking

David Von Fakename says:

@dave8323 no. People either don’t care about or are supportive of people who chose to be vegan. What people find arrogant and attention seeking is the brand of vegan who won’t shut up about how good they are for being vegan.

Becky English says:

@David Von Fakename yes.

lady London says:

Her voice is so abrasive, the swearing and tone of her voice makes my ears feel sensitised within ten seconds of her talking. It’s a deranged energy. She’s also clearly not religious because any religious person knows only God decides who goes to heaven and hell, using the religious argument is manipulative and stupid.

Edit: also, her being vegan and looking like that reminds me of Gillian McKeith the nutritionist who pushed her diet on us Brits circa 2008- no thanks! Would rather eat like nigella lawson!

Dickgirl Nationalist says:

The abrahamic religions deserve to be slandered so idgaf about that first part.

lady London says:

@Dickgirl Nationalist what has that got to do with anything??

Senators Drone says:

Just started watching Russell’s videos. Never realized he was an intelligent and entertaining guy. I like how he tries to understand people he disagrees with instead of just judging them and acknowledging he could be wrong.

Charlotte Ward says:

When I came out as a vegan 2 years ago, the reactions I got from friends and family were shocking. I was ridiculed and laughed at. My work colleagues repeatedly took the piss- this was without any provocation from me- it took me ages to build up the courage and stand up for myself. The whole experience opened my mind to the human psyche- and what I saw I didn’t much care for. After all, I’d only decided to live my life in a more compassionate way- why attack me for that??

Charlotte Ward says:

@Silver Dragonfly Actually, I’d argue that lentils, beans, potatoes and veg are some of the cheapest foods on the planet. I’ve saved a tonne on my shopping eating this way. As for changing all of my non-food items, I can switch my leather shoes for non-leather when they’re ready to be replaced. Same for my non-vegan cosmetics etc. Anyone who thinks I need to change my leather sofa for a non-leather one to call myself vegan is damaging to the movement- who could possibly afford that?
And it’s about doing the least harm in a non-vegan world. Yes there will be crop deaths. The only way I could really do no harm is by not existing at all- not feasible again. What people don’t realise is upwards of 80% of crops grown worldwide are fed to animals in our farming systems, so cutting out the chicken will by default reduce crop deaths and the need for swathes of land. Land which can be re-wilded.

Silver Dragonfly says:

@Charlotte Ward I grant you that argument, but I would also argue that it depends on the metrics being used. If we are talking about food energy or price per calorie then vegetables and fruits are statistically more expensive, if we are talking about edible weight and portion size fruits and vegetables are going to, statistically, be less expensive.

I would also argue that cheaper doesn’t necessarily mean accessible. For example in food deserts, high-calorie foods are more readily available.

“What people don’t realise is upwards of 80% of crops grown worldwide are fed to animals in our farming systems”

I don’t know if I agree with that, because looking at the numbers provided by the United Nations FOA the numbers suggest that 86% of livestock consumption is materials that are inedible to humans like grass/leaves/crop residue/fodder crops/oil seed cakes/byproducts/etc. while only 14% is soy/corn/barley/grain and I believe the majority of that goes towards monogastric animals (this doesn’t include food waste).

But I do agree that if we change the industrialization of livestock then that would have a significant impact on the planet.

Charlotte Ward says:

@Silver Dragonfly agreed. It is a heinous crime that populations should live in food deserts- obesity and poor health outcomes are rife in these places.
I made the 80% of crops argument in relation to crop deaths- meaning if we didn’t need to feed all of the livestock we currently do, small animals and insects would be saved through not needing to harvest massive amounts of vegetation.

Silver Dragonfly says:

@Charlotte Ward I think that’s where the activism needs to be directed, how can we make it so that a lifestyle involving less meat consumption is accessible and affordable for everyone? How can we do it so that POC are not being abused and taken advantage of which is rarely involved in the conversation? And how can we engage in being an activist in a way where we don’t sacrifice one set of morals for another? Because as a white vegetarian I still have to be aware of the fact that the Industrialization of food has a colonial history. It can very easily turn racist making everything performative. I feel like the focus should be more on systems that make this a reality and less on proselytizing to individuals especially being white.

Holy Wow says:

@Silver Dragonfly your eloquence is mesmerizing and I really like how you explained things. You have given me a lot of think about. I you have an open social media platform I would love to read your work.

Mary Ellen Barratt says:

Be Loving and accepting is such a WIERD concept to some people , only in giving of ones self does one find its self

The Gunman says:

Russell, I don’t agree with a lot of what you say but you come across as genuine and sincere. You’ve thought well about your opinions and I have a lot of respect for you, even when I totally disagree.

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