6 Mangoes For Lunch?! (Reacting To When I Ate Raw)

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Reacting to one of my old videos from 2012 called "How to Lose Weight Eating Pounds of Food Everyday". Obviously this was when I was still eating a "fully raw" diet (low fat, high carb, lots of fruit 80/10/10 style). Sometimes it's good to see how far we've come. Sometimes it's terribly awkward and embarrassing and hilarious.

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6 Mangoes For Lunch?! (Reacting To When I Ate Raw)

Reacting to one of my old videos from 2012 called "How to Lose Weight Eating Pounds of Food Everyday". Obviously this was when I was still eating a "fully raw" diet (low fat, high carb, lots of fruit 80/10/10 style). Sometimes it's good to see how far we've come. Sometimes it's terribly awkward and embarrassing and hilarious.

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        Aimee Coleman says:

        Were you doing your degree at this time? I wouldn’t have been able to think straight through mine if I were just eating watery fiber and using the bathroom every 5 minutes.

        Sunsun DKS says:

        @Nyxeus B Not sure if he is trolling or in a cult tho 😂

        MdoubleHB says:

        Humans are frugivores.
        Cooked food is toxic.
        Viruses do not exist.
        There is no pandemic.
        Vaccines are toxic.
        Knowledge and proper education are very helpful.

        MdoubleHB says:

        Only fools wear face diapers for the non-existent “corona virus.”

        MdoubleHB says:

        @Sunsun DKS
        Delete your account!

        MdoubleHB says:

        @Nyxeus B
        If there were justice on this page, then you would get punished for your false accusations.

        anuke123 says:

        Ha, I also prefer my slimmer cheeks to the rounder face of my 20s. Also, man, I dont know what I was thinking with the hairstyles 10 years ago

        DoomyDoes says:

        Unfortunately, yes, I know people who are still doing raw. One of my colleagues is a rawist and sits there with all the freelie style talking points and tries to convince everyone that they are going to die because of the cooked food while she lives forever.

        Chelsea R. says:

        @taintmueslix Relax dude, it’s just food

        taintmueslix says:

        @Chelsea R. which, besides air, is the source of our most significant interaction with the outside world in terms of health. got any more hot takes?

        Chelsea R. says:

        @taintmueslix Relax dude! (: No need to be so uptight, every vegan has their own way of doing it and there’s no one perfect definitive way of going about it. We all are just doing what we feel is best for ourselves.

        MdoubleHB says:

        Humans are frugivores.
        Cooked food is toxic.
        Viruses do not exist.
        There is no pandemic.
        Vaccines are toxic.
        Knowledge and proper education are very helpful.

        MdoubleHB says:

        Only fools wear face diapers for the non-existent “corona virus.”

        Dark Eden says:

        I prefer youre face now 100% , and you “in general” too !

        go away says:

        shawty spinach and mango as a meal sounds like the most depressing meal to ever exist

        Chelsea R. says:

        Haha! I remember having meals like that. Sitting down to a colossal bowl of sprouts and pears during the winter and being like “this is fine 🥶”

        MdoubleHB says:

        Humans are frugivores.
        Cooked food is toxic.
        Viruses do not exist.
        There is no pandemic.
        Vaccines are toxic.
        Proper education and knowledge help a lot.

        MdoubleHB says:

        Only fools wear face diapers for the non-existent “corona virus.”

        Katie P says:

        @MdoubleHB weak troll

        MdoubleHB says:

        @Katie P
        Delete your account!

        BB Fazio says:

        Unrelated I really like that flannel

        go away says:

        me: wtf why would anyone eat raw thats so unhealthy
        also me: drinking my third monster energy for the day

        Resting Bitchface says:

        @taintmueslix I’m not even a vegan; I think all vegans are cultists, and I AM educated in nutrition and medicine. Even I think that you are an enraged, unhinged tool with a worthless axe to grind. If you’re such an expert, then you should put your money where your massive, derogatory mouth is and produce some decent content to back up your thesis, because the six videos you have up are trashy twaddle.

        MdoubleHB says:

        Humans are frugivores.
        Cooked food is toxic.
        Viruses do not exist.
        There is no pandemic.
        Vaccines are toxic.
        Knowledge and proper education are very helpful.

        Chelsea R. says:

        @taintmueslix I’m sorry, however the things you’re saying that are directed at Unnatural Vegan don’t sound like the words of a happy healthy person. Content people don’t talk so abusively about someone that’s of no consequence to them, my dude. Please consider talking to a professional, you don’t have to be mentally ill to talk to someone. Therapy is for everyone.

        Elina says:

        @taintmueslixYes, I agree that most of the time she is extremely anti-raw but I believe the reason is that, again, on youtube, we see mostly influencers who give 0 attention to nutrition and never mention necessary supplements like B12. The problem is that these influencers address mostly a young impressionable audience who blindly follow their advice, end up malnourished and blame the vegan (raw or not) diet.
        I used to follow a raw diet myself, but I know a thing or two about nutrition plus fruit and veg in my country are ridiculously cheap thanks to our climate, so, like you, there was no real problem for me. But unfortunately, that’s not the case with most influencers out there and, it seems that this channel is mostly addressing this kind of raw dieters, not the rest of us who do it cautiously. Sorry for the essay but I just wanted to say that I know where you are coming from and I, too, believe that there are ways to do it right if for any reason anyone chooses to go raw but people do not have (enough) trustworthy sources on how to do it right.

        Oh, and an example of her kind of promoting an influencer who does the raw diet correctly is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw5UzYVy6AU. (This is how you eat raw vegan)

        MdoubleHB says:

        Only fools wear face diapers for the non-existent “corona virus.”

        Hannah Johnson says:

        I am with you on the joy of a thinner face. I always had a round baby face and I enjoy having cheek bones. 🙂 Aging isn’t all bad.

        Hilde.o says:

        I’m the same! I’ve been noticing it more in my face recently and I like it. I can see some lines too, but my mom has the same ones and she still looks fit and healthy in her early 60s!

        Grace S says:

        Can’t wait for that! I’m 27 and still have some roundness to my cheeks. I look at photos of my mom and she had the most beautiful face in her 30s and early 40s (she is obviously still beautiful at 65) I’m okay with aging if I look anything like her.

        Miss Fame says:

        @Grace S Enjoy the round cheeks until they last.

        MdoubleHB says:

        Humans are frugivores.
        Cooked food is toxic.
        Viruses do not exist.
        There is no pandemic.
        Vaccines are toxic.
        Proper education and knowledge help a lot.

        MdoubleHB says:

        Only fools wear face diapers for the non-existent “corona virus.”

        Cyril says:

        Freelee used you as an example of why raw diets work in her latest YouTube “stories” because it resolved your iron deficiency. Is that even true?

        chloe says:

        Don’t think it’s true

        meagan newlin says:

        I think before she has talked about having an iron deficiency while raw and resolving it while raw. But ahe always refers to taking iron megadoses. So she was able to resolve an iron deficiency on a raw diet but because of iron supplements not the diet itself. This is what I think is true based on what I have seen from UV but I could be wrong

        watch earthlings documentary says:

        I’m sorry but just look freelee… and look at all the ex vegans… most of them were from the raw/high fruit community… she’s not doing us any favor… she’s hurting our image if anyone… everyone please cancel freelee
        I’m against cancel culture
        But freelee is toxic to the movement

        MdoubleHB says:

        Humans are frugivores.
        Cooked food is toxic.
        Viruses do not exist.
        There is no pandemic.
        Vaccines are toxic.
        Knowledge and proper education are very helpful.

        MdoubleHB says:

        Only fools wear face diapers for the non-existent “corona virus.”

        Natalie Wisler says:

        I mean I do love mangoes…but idk about this much 😂

        ylukx says:

        Would I choose to eat 6 🥭 for lunch? No. Could I? Hell yes, ain’t that much “meat” on it. Or maybe I just have a bottomless pit for a stomach.

        K Dow07 says:

        When I am craving honey mangos, I would easily eat 6 of those.
        …that would squash my craving for a long time after that though.

        MdoubleHB says:

        Humans are frugivores.
        Cooked food is toxic.
        Viruses do not exist.
        There is no pandemic.
        Vaccines are toxic.
        Knowledge and proper education are very helpful.

        MdoubleHB says:

        Only fools wear face diapers for the non-existent “corona virus.”

        Marya says:

        I was a lot heavier during my round-cheeked youth. Now that my face has slimmed out I feel like skeletor tbh

        Alexandria Sanders says:

        I love these
        Edit: this apple shirt you’re wearing in the old video is adorable. I want it

        Keijiko says:

        After following Freelee for 1-2 years here on Youtube I decided to follow the Raw till 4 diet (before this I was an omni). I kept up the Raw till 4 for about 2 days and then decided it was dumb, expensive and very unsatisfying. However, from that point onwards I did stay vegan to this day, so I still got something very positive from it

        Ffion Till says:

        Could you do a reaction to plant based news failed vegan diets and also the freelee reaction? And any other drama I love the tea 😬☕️

        Elysa E says:

        “Was it sniff?!” 😂😂😂

        Adi Evelyn says:

        side note, you have ALWAYS looked so much younger than your age! I feel like you look mid twenties now and back then you straight up look like 16 to me!

        Robert Thompson says:

        I prefer your current face lol. Also, glasses suit your face super well!!

        Clara F says:

        “How long can you go without eating bread”

        Me: not very long (continues to eat a whole baguette for dinner) 🤣😂🤣

        Natalia A. says:

        Greeks and Italians just left the chat😁

        Natalia A. says:

        I could easily eat 6 mangos …BEFORE my actual lunch😆

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