5 vegan recipes EVERYONE needs to know!!!

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Here are 5 delicious vegan recipes that you need to know. Whether you are a new vegan, or longtime herbivore, THESE RECIPES ARE FOR YOU!!!

maple mustard tempeh salad
how to make a bomb salad
red beans & rice
black eyed peas
coconut black bean soup
buddha bowl meal plan
tofu scramble

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5 vegan recipes EVERYONE needs to know!!!

Here are 5 delicious vegan recipes that you need to know. Whether you are a new vegan, or longtime herbivore, THESE RECIPES ARE FOR YOU!!!

maple mustard tempeh salad https://youtu.be/KyTcY5CKtr0
how to make a bomb salad https://youtu.be/yXMz9P1YHgM
red beans & rice https://youtu.be/h_mJo8Nf9Uc
black eyed peas https://youtu.be/LD7ar8si1Hk
coconut black bean soup https://youtu.be/_2DaXMTOBHM
buddha bowl meal plan https://youtu.be/1ihAPzjPLFo
tofu scramble https://youtu.be/2TbVT48jEUg

Thanks for watching!! Make sure to subscribe to my channel. New videos every week ✌🏿❤️ @sweetpotatosoul

For great free vegan recipes and inspiration visit:

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1 Month Vegan Challenge

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        • Rating:
        • Views:13 views
        • Tags: bean recipe, best vegan recipes, buddha bowls, healthy, how to cook beans, how to cook vegan, HOW TO GO vegan, how to make a salad, salad dressing, salad recipe, tofu scramble, Vegan, vegan chili, vegan cooking, Vegan recipes, vegan soups, veganuary, vegetarian, vegetarian cooking, vegetarian recipes, what vegans eat
        • Categories: Veggie Vegan Recipe


        Courtney Holcombe says:

        Thank you for all the inspiration! Im going vegan in 2020 with your amazing advice and recipes as my guidance!!!

        Myrna J says:

        OMG I’m soo Hungry right now. Definitely going to make these Recipe’s soon.😋😋

        SweetPotatoSoul says:

        Hope you enjoy them!

        SweetPotatoSoul says:

        Hope you guys like this video! I truly believe that everyone should know how to make these 5 things. What do you think? Did I miss anything? Love y’all!

        Kathy Gaskins says:

        Great video, very informative. Only two things I would love to see you make vegan … baked bread and cheese sauces. Thank you! 👍 😊

        The Vegan Alliance Network - Path to Vegan says:

        Awesome video. Looks so delicious. Too many people are intimidated by cooking. They need to just do it. This is a good start. Vegan food is the best and needs to be shared with everyone.

        Sissy Pat says:

        YES like it ,confused about coconut oil or Olive oil?

        Kerry Arnold says:

        You absolutely NAILED it!!! This video makes me so happy and more inspired to do my meal prep during the busy teaching semester (and I can do more prep now that we’re fully on Zoom)!

        Terri Bunce says:

        So very helpful. Your video helped me to be a more well-rounded vegan

        lightneasy1 says:

        When anyone asks me what a healthy , glowing vegan looks like, I send them to this site .

        Muna Jedski says:

        @Tal Ghow-I TY, I’ll check out the channel 🙂

        Flexsor says:


        adlassey says:

        I’m the 666th comment

        Sharanya Tahbildar says:

        Vccgchgffijg did you understand?

        small footprint says:

        Catching up on all your videos. Great stuff.. and, may I say, you glow. Must be the food..

        Carmen Lewis says:

        Girl, is that your POST pregnancy belly?! You go girl!!!

        Santiago Kolac says:

        this is probably my favorite vegan channel, while watching this video I literally thought “damn I love this woman”, thank you so much for all the inspiration, tips, ideas and good vibes

        SweetPotatoSoul says:

        Thank you so much!!

        Sherry Kirkpatrick says:

        She is certainly lovely and I admire her drive! You might also check out Rachel Ama and Wicked Kitchen for more excellent vegan recipes and guidance.

        Santiago Kolac says:

        @Sherry Kirkpatrick oh I know Rachel she’s amazing, I’ll check the other one ♥️ thanks!

        K Tamu says:

        Love all your great healthy foods. Agree 100% on this video. I sent this video to my mom. Thanks for all your inspiring work!!😊

        Mattrice Williamson says:

        @SweetPotatoSoul I am new to plant-based lifestyle. You inspire me to try new vegan foods and recipes. I love you positivity. Thanks for keeping things simple, fresh and different in each video.

        Bex says:

        I would say (for me at least) making a good crispy tofu is another important recipe! Like tofu cubes, not tofu scramble (though I love that as well!). Great video!! I appreciate your content

        boo843348 says:

        I thought tofu was very unhealthy for you via dr sebi🤔

        boo843348 says:

        @Flo Otus riiiiight

        Angelic Soul Healer says:

        I air fry mine . 12 min 400 degrees

        Vegan Vocalist says:

        Bex , yes gunna try this , looks good

        Flora Braxton says:

        @boo843348 It is.

        clandestine73647 says:

        My favorite video of yours so far! You put so much thought into this. 💓

        SweetPotatoSoul says:

        Makes me so happy to hear! Thank you 🙂

        Mark Frazier says:

        Also, smoothies. I have smoothies almost everyday. You are right having good salads makes a big difference. I have a Mexican salad, Asian salad, Etc. Also, with great dressings. Asian tahini dressing, Asian miso dressing, spicy Chipotle tahini dressing, Etc. I have a great lentil chili. You have inspired me now I need to look for some good vegan stews!

        Meaghan Fay says:

        Mark Frazier I love peanut butter! I’m not a fan of almond butter but I had some on hand and I used it in a kale and apple smoothie and it was amazing! I was blown away.

        Meaghan Fay says:

        Mark Frazier same here. I soak them before hand :)?

        SweetPotatoSoul says:

        You’ve got me drooling!

        Shoshi Platypus says:

        Mark Frazier Smoothies are OK occasionally, but it’s much better for you to eat the ingredients whole rather than processing them first. Let your body do the work processing them!

        HonestInquiry says:

        @Mark Frazier Peanut Butter + Frozen Bananas and Wild Blueberries is an amazing combo

        Alethea Todaro says:

        Even though I’ve been cooking like this every single day for over 4 years….I must say this video was so informative 🙌🏾❤

        Love Yourself Influencer says:

        I agree(Lol) I also been cooking like this for over 4 years and this video is very informative

        Alexandria Hopkins says:

        I love this!! I have your cookbook as well. I’m a new vegan! And I’m loving it so far

        M R says:

        It’s my goal in life to be so confident in the kitchen that I can cook amazing food while wearing a crop top like her!

        Methii Yiimii says:

        You’re so pretty and you give positive energy. We need more🤪

        kayla carter says:

        I’m vegetarian 🌱 but I’m trying to become vegan!!! I love watching your videos ❤️❤️

        Shoshi Platypus says:

        kayla carter You can do it gradually, step by step. I found we were eating a lot less meat as time went on. After a major health issue 5 years ago, I got interested in nutrition and a year ago I gave up meat altogether, but it was only a couple of months ago that I finally gave up dairy, once I discovered that I could make very good yoghurt with soya milk. During this time I also did a lot of research into the ethical and environmental issues associated with animal agriculture and there is no way I’d go back to eating animal products now. You can start by leaving out eggs and dairy for one day a week and see how you go, or try setting a time limit on it, like omitting all animal products for say three weeks. That way it doesn’t seem so scary. I thought I’d never be able to give up cheese, and in particular eggs which I adored, but now I don’t miss them. When you go whole-food plant-based (which is vegan, but healthy – you can be vegan living off Oreos and coca-cola!) you find that in time, your taste buds are restored to what they are designed to be, and real food tastes ever more delicious. Above all, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t think you are succeeding, or if it’s taking time. There re no rules, and you know your own body and tastes. I hope you get on really well on your journey. I’ve never regretted taking the trip myself!

        kayla carter says:

        Shoshi Platypus wow thank you so much for this message! And now today I’m a full vegan 🌱 and I wouldn’t change my decision or every go back and I started of weighing 287pounds now 6 months later I lost over 30 pound and I’m loving my weight loss and I feel good and I look good . And I’m just so bless that I changed my ways and to have a healthy eating life style . Vegan 🌱 4 life ❤️

        Shoshi Platypus says:

        kayla carter You’re more than welcome. And many, many congratulations to you! Haven’t you done splendidly. Taking this decision has so many rewards, doesn’t it. A while back, I was disappointed that my hubby had been persuaded by our doctor to go back on statins. The doctor said with his family history (all obese, deaths from cardiovascular disease) he should be on them. The trouble is, doctors look at family history and say “genetics.” While genetics do play a part, it’s lifestyle that either expresses the genes or not, and his family’s lifestyle and diet were always appalling! The doctor said he should go to a slimming club which I wasn’t too happy about either, saying that if he would only just eat what I give him, the weight would fall off. He started going and I was fairly impressed with them – they do seem to concentrate on calorie density rather than calorie counting but they don’t go nearly far enough in my opinion. Then came the lockdown and he was here for all his meals, and lo and behold, the weight started to fall off! Then, a few weeks ago he started complaining about awful muscle pains and decided it was the statins, so he phoned the doctor and said he was coming off them again. The doctor called him in for a cholesterol test, and then we were told that his cholesterol and blood pressure had plummeted to normal, and the doctor said the results were like those of a totally different person!! He said with his family history, he was really a candidate for statins, but did not in fact need them! He is now thinking about getting another sleep test to see if he can get rid of his CPap machine because he thinks the sleep apnoea has gone, too. (He can’t just stop using it without the test because he wouldn’t be allowed to drive till he gets the all clear.) This is a huuuuge benefit from the whole-food plant-based diet – not just the weight loss, but all-round improvement in health.

        If I had known years ago what I now know, I am convinced I could have avoided ulcerative colitis my entire adult life, ultimately leading to colon cancer 5 years ago. I now have a permanent ileostomy. These diseases are definitely diet-related. If you haven’t heard about it, you should watch the movie “Forks Over Knives’ – available on the FOK website or Amazon – “What the Health” is another good one (YouTube). Search “Whole-food plant-based” and you’ll find so much good evidence. There’s real scientific proof that this way of life works.

        I’m so pleased you took the decision and are doing so well!! Wishing you long life and happiness!

        Ticky Tacky says:

        Here after watching ‘Dominion’ after watching ‘Earthlings’. My eyes are opened.

        Maria R says:

        Ticky Tacky wishing you the best in your journey!!! Please remember this is for the animals and it doesn’t have to be hard. Jenne’s channel actually is very helpful. Although pls be aware some of these YouTube channels can be unrealistic and hard to follow at times but do find what works for you!! Jenne’s videos are great and budget friendly. Remind yourself when you’re struggling why you’re looking to make this decision in the first place. YouTube is your best friend for inspiration.

        Also remember that anything can be made vegan. Just google it!! You got this and I wish you the best. The animals will thank you so so much 💚💚💚💚

        Rachael DeLashmit says:

        Ticky Tacky 💚💚💚 Welcome

        Alois Dargel says:

        Welcome…also watch phillip wollen vegan speech…and if you make a mistake with vegan eating, just get back on your horse…the animals, the planet, your healthy body will thank you

        Avina Love says:

        New subbie here 🤗 I’m a frijolera as well lol (means a lover of beans in Spanish )💕🍲

        Siempreanita50 says:

        Yo también, especialmente de la olla!

        Andy Guinn says:

        I’m sure those potted plants behind you live in constant fear. Lol

        Peregrina De Los Mundos says:


        Ekene Kokelu says:

        LMFAO WOW pure comedy

        Shoshi Platypus says:

        Hahahahaaaa!!! Brilliant!

        Oshanna Rae says:


        AX Bab says:

        Good one! So funny! Thanks for a good chuckle.

        Caroline Benforado says:

        I really like your energy — so positive! You gave me some great ideas, I’m so sick of the three or four thing that I always make. A red lentil soup/stew? will be the first on my list.

        יוסי קבוסי says:

        I’m watching this at 2 am acting like I’m gonna be healthy when I wake up

        jangyman says:

        Perfect time to plan the next day’s meals is the night before …but don’t lose sleep on it.

        Lena Schiffer says:

        I feel like u say this under every vegan recipe video!!,😂😂😂

        Jonas Tilly says:

        I want to thank God for using great Dr Dohgo to cure my HSV 2 with his powerful herbal treatment. , I am here to tell the world that there is a powerful traditional herbal doctor who is well perfect in curing people from different types of diseases, illness and infection, he is a man who can use his herbal medicines to cure people with their different states of problem. Here I am today, I am a living testimony, I had HSV 2 for two years now, and i have tried so many doctors and tried so many types of treatment, i undergo through many sufferings and shames for two years and finally now, Dr Dohgo has put a smile in my face that will last forever, if not for God for directing me to Dr Dohgo I would have been extremely suffering today. all thanks goes to God. I am cured from herpes and I have my test result here with me, I ordered for his medicines September 20th last year and I was cured within 14 days of taking his medicines up till now i have no problem with HSV infection anymore, I now have rest of mind and I am very happy for God using Dr Dohgo to heal me. contact doctor today via Email: doctordohgo@gmail. com or WhatsApp number is +2347062142293
        He also cure

        Amor Knox says:

        😂✨me I’m determined for a change writing down my meal plan

        EAT IT RAW says:

        Lmao classic way of thinking. I have pringles on mind as of now

        alaina fox says:

        I watched this while eating a smuckers uncrustable and now I feel like a scrub lmao

        Octavia Richardson says:

        cartergirl3of3 .jksieoeoi

        qoeeeeeeww is the o oeooeo io the way we roll dodge

        Mary Rose says:

        My name is Rose, I am here to give my testimony about a doctor who helped me in my life. I was infected with HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS in 2019, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how can I get a solution out so that my body can be okay. One day I was in the river side thinking where I can go to get solution. so a lady walked to me telling me why am I so sad and i open up all to her telling her my problem, she told me that she can help me out, she introduce me to a doctor who uses herbal medication to cure HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS and gave me his email, so i mail him. He told me all the things I need to do and also give me instructions to take, which I followed properly. Before I knew what is happening after two weeks the HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS that was in my body got vanished . so if you are also heart broken and also need a help, you can also email him at:([email protected]) or call him or talk with him through whatsapp on +2349023687520
        You can also contact him if are diagnosed with any the virus below
        {1}HIV and AIDS
        {4} Blood Cancer
        {5} He Can Make you get Pregnancy
        {6.} HPV
        {7} ALS
        {8} Hepatitis
        {9} tighten of vagina after giving birth,
        {10}Love Spell

        Cedric Townsend says:

        A SCRUB?!?!?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂

        Mia Miranda says:

        I’m eating spicy noodles I made in the microwave..

        The Versatile Experience says:


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